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Acme Gear Co., Inc.
Where Precision Meets Performance

S&T Dynamics ST-10/14VM
Chuck Size - 40"
Max. Swing - 55.1"
Max Turning Height - 30.5"
Max Turning Diameter - 51.2"
Max. Load - 8,800 LBS
X-Axis Travel - 37.8"
Z-Axis Travel - 33.4"
Feed rate - 0.04~197 IPM
Rapid Traverse - 393 IPM
Turret Positions - 6
Spindle Speeds - 1~450 RPM
Spindle Motor - 50/40 HP
Live Spindle Speed - 2,500 RPM
Live Spindle Motor - 7.4 HP
Approximate Dimensions - 189" x 155" x 163"
Approximate Weight - 32,000 LBS
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